Enhance Your Windows With These Helpful Tips
If you use any kind of computer that runs on Windows, it makes sense to learn as many tips as possible that can make your tasks simpler. It's human nature that once we've learned a new skill or habit, we don't keep looking for some other way to improve the shortcut. Windows users are no exception but it's wise to keep in mind that, regardless of the ways you use your chromeheartsonlinestore.cc PC, there probably exists another procedure that is even faster.If you like, you can make adjustments to your User Account Control (UAC), which comes with Windows. It is a security feature. While you want to protect yourself when online, it can slow you down if you don't have the settings right. For example, if you set the Control so it asks you for permission whenever you want to install or change something, you may become aggravated. It's important, nonetheless, to be alerted when you might be going to do something risky, so you don't want to turn UAC off altogether. Windows 7's default setting is fine for most computer folks. It alerts you only when it thinks some program is trying to change something on your computer without your initiation. Once you're familiar with the different settings options, put them wherever you are comfortable.
If you are looking for information on the internet, you most likely open your browser and use one of the search engines to do a search. However, with Windows 7 you can start a search right from your desktop without even going through your browser. To do this, you use 'search connectors' for the different sites that you search; for example, YouTube. If you have favorite sites that you do quick searches on from time to time, this feature is very convenient and saves you from having to open your browser first. Many websites already have search connectors you can download and, if a particular site doesn't have one, there are information sites that will show you how to create one.
Most folks with computers soon discover that their desktop becomes overloaded with files, and is more cluttered than their real desk. All the icons for the files and programs you've stuck on your desktop accumulate quickly and, before you know it, you can't find anything. If you
open numerous programs at once, it really becomes a confusing mess.
Windows 7 has a Shake feature that makes it much easier to keep track of what you're doing. You shake the title bar back and forth after you click on it. The result is that the other windows will move - minimized - to the task bar. Pressing the Windows and Home keys at the same time will also do the same thing. Even if you think this is ridiculous, try it and you will see how much easier it is to work when you aren't distracted by a lot of open windows.
Once you start searching for, and using, shortcuts to many Windows commands, you'll discover more than you can imagine. You probably don't want to spend time learning these things just for the sake of it; it's best to stick to the ones that are relevant to what you actually use your computer for. We've given you a preview of a few of the shortcuts that are available with Windows. It's up to you now to research and learn more.
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